
Alec Green and Finbar Watson

"For almost half a century, Don Ritchie would approach people contemplating suicide at the edge of a cliff, just 100 feet from his home, his palms facing up. Voiced by Hugo Weaving, Teacups explores Don's surreal interactions with years of suicidal individuals and his journey to reconcile the suicide of his best friend. The film asks, can a simple act of kindness save a life?"

Sobre Alec Green

Alec Green (1999, studying at AFTRS, BA of Screen: Production) and Finbar Watson (1999, studying at UNSW, BA in Film Production and Law) are young Australian filmmakers passionate about creating content that spotlights global issues. Teacups is their first film.
They are committed to making sure Don's story is told with care.
Technique Used: Digital and traditional 2D with painted backgrounds

Sobre Finbar Watson

Alec Green (1999, studying at AFTRS, BA of Screen: Production) and Finbar Watson (1999, studying at UNSW, BA in Film Production and Law) are young Australian filmmakers passionate about creating content that spotlights global issues. Teacups is their first film.
They are committed to making sure Don's story is told with care.
Technique Used: Digital and traditional 2D with painted backgrounds

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