Abi Mishavad

Shadi Karamroudi

Morteza is a single father who has decided to paint her 3 yearsold daughter’s room in blue during one of their weekly visits.At first it seems like a fun activity between daughter andfather, but eventually it turns into a fight and Morteza hitshis daughter. Later on, Morteza asks his older sister, Pari, tohelp him calm his daughter and handle the situation. Pari caresfor the child’s wounds and then in order to prevent her fromtelling the truth to her mother, Pari starts a game and throughthis game, tries to manipulate the child’s mind so she remembersthe whole incident as a simple game with his father. Pari seemsto become successful in fulfilling her plan, but at the finalscene it becomes clear that the truth won't be hidden forever.

Sobre Shadi Karamroudi

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